Friday, September 11, 2009

College Football Week 2

Here we go with week 2 of the college football season and there is already plenty of intrigue and BS to go around. So here it is in whatever random order it jumps into my head.

I loved that BYU pulled off the upset and punked Oklahoma. Damn! Why didn’t I have the balls to call for that upset? So they beat them with Bradford on the bench most of the game. But I thought Oklahoma had the biggest bad ass defense in the country. All those future NFL stars couldn’t stop BYU when they needed to? At least Bobby Stoops gets an early start on his bitching and whining routine to get back into the BCS title game. Come on Bobby; tell us how it’s not fair to your team. On the other side, what is the freaking deal with BYU jumping 11 spots? For one win over a team with no QB???

So I was way off on the Notre Dame game. This week they play Michigan and I think Big Blue is a little pissed off. Pissed because they sucked last year. Pissed because there coach cries. And pissed because some freshman punk is apparently a rat that didn’t want to practice. For some crazy reason I like Michigan here. Probably blinded by Notre Dame hatred. ND has to win more than one game to win me over. This is the game I want to see the most this week. Everyone else is on the USC vs. Ohio St as game of the week, but I can’t wait to see the over-reaction from ND vs. Michigan. The winner will be yelling BCS and the loser will want their coach fired. What could be better?

I have absolutely no feel for the USC vs. Ohio St game. I just can’t get a good read. I’m a Big 10 guy at heart but can’t stand Ohio St. These guys dodge bullets from the NCAA like Plaxico Burress dodges them from himself (I know that wasn’t very funny but I’m under a dead line here). And it’s just hard to believe a true freshman can go into the Horse Shoe and win. I guess I have to go with the boys from The Ohio Penal System. They played the better team last week and probably are better for it.

Editor's Note. Wow Dr. Rosenrosen, you hit the nail on the head on the Michigan-ND game. If the Irish win, get ready for the Loe Holtz shit storm all week. Let's hope the Wolverines win big. Even thought the Trojans have to better team talent wise, Tyrelle Pryor will be a Heisman candidate after this week. Bobby Stoopes makes me laugh.

Now for a rant. I’ve been hearing all preseason how great Florida is but you can’t expect them to go undefeated because their schedule is sooo tough. Really??? LSU and Georgia are the only ranked teams on the schedule. And Georgia is hanging on for dear life at 21. Penn State takes all the shit for the easy schedule but look at Florida’s first two games. Charleston Southern and Troy are not exactly much of a work out for the supposed best team in the land. And I’m less and less impressed with the SEC after a closer look. Florida doesn’t play Ole Miss this year and Tennessee can’t be too great in the 3rd week of the season. Hopefully they don’t let Lane Kiffin drive the team bus or they’ll go to the wrong stadium. Ever see a guy make so many mistakes in an off season?

The fun thing is, there will be a game or two or three that will change the season for some school. Somebody with slim BCS hopes will lose and bring the season to a crashing end just like that. So lookout BYU and Boise St. You’re on thin ice.

Clemson and Georgia Tech play Thursday and Thursday games are almost always good. So don’t get so taken by beginning of the NFL season that you forget to check on that game. By the way…Thursday is a great night to get into your underwear, make some popcorn, put the six pack beside the lounger, and blow the fan right on you while you watch all the sports. NFL, College Football, and MLB division races all in one night. Doesn’t get much better than that.

Editor's Note, again.Did you know that Florida was a 70 point favorite in the opening week. They didn't cover, only won by 62. Dr. Rosenbag, you left out a huge matchup with major implications. Iowa St. hosts Iowa in a battle for the Cy Hawk Trophy. This also features unbeaten teams. The Hawks either win big, win close, or loose. It should be an ass kickin' but Hawk fans are always prepared to be disappointed.

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